Simple, inexpensive ways to save energy and money in your home

Saving energy in your home can be as simple as switching to LED light bulbs. By now you must have noticed that the price of almost everything is rising. Some things you have little control over. Food prices are one example, although you could try eating less, or you...

Here’s a checklist for getting a jump on springtime home maintenance chores

Get a jump on your home maintenance tasks with this handy springtime checklist. Springtime! What’s not to love? Flowers are regaling you with color, birds are singing merrily. And your house needs some seasonal love. Here’s a springtime home maintenance checklist to...

Preparation makes your home inspection smoother and less scary

Getting ready for a home inspection? Preparation makes the process much easier. You’ve taken the plunge and put your house on the market. Once a buyer puts down a bid, an inspection is sure to follow. It’s about as sure as aging and taxes, as “they” say. Don’t panic!...

Common mistakes people make selling their homes

Even in a hot market, sellers can make costly mistakes. In order of importance of all the things you may seek to sell, your home ranks high (and probably highest) on that list. There’s a lot of advice out there about steps you can take to make your home more...

Why should I get a seller’s inspection before listing my home for sale?

A pre-listing inspection reveals the condition of the house, making the buyer more confident.Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash Everybody knows that home buyers need to have a home inspection before inking the line on a contract. Far fewer know that sellers can get...

These common home inspection issues can’t elude an inspector’s eye

Your home inspector’s trained eye will catch things the rest of us miss. Have you ever experienced being so familiar with something that you start to overlook it? That happens to a lot of homeowners. They overlook things that should not be neglected. This can be...