A pre-listing inspection reveals the condition of the house, making the buyer more confident.
Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash

Everybody knows that home buyers need to have a home inspection before inking the line on a contract. Far fewer know that sellers can get their home inspected before even listing it for sale.
Getting a pre-listing inspection will eliminate any surprises that might put the brakes on a sale. Here are some solid reasons for sellers to arrange an inspection.

A pre-listing inspection reveals your home’s condition.

Knowing what condition your condition is in…

Worrying whether an inspection will reveal unknown problems keeps many sellers awake at night. What if an inspector finds something serious enough to jeopardize the sale? The anxiety is justifiable, because a poor inspection report can be where negotiations break down. 

Guess what? You don’t have to wait for the buyer’s inspection and suffer all that anxiety. Having a pre-listing inspection will reveal the condition of your home, and it will give you time to make needed repairs if you are hoping to fetch to dollar on the market. Just be sure to choose a qualified inspector with long experience and plenty of satisfied customers.

For what it’s worth…

Setting the right price for your home is a critical step in the sales process.  You want to find the “sweet spot.” Ask too much and you might scare buyers away. Asking too little and you’ll miss out on potential profit from the sale.Your realtor will guide you in setting the right price. However, even the most experienced realtor may be groping in the dark if the condition of your home is unknown. A pre-listing inspection lays out all the facts and makes it easier to find the right price for your home.

A pre-listing inspection can take some of the worry out of selling your home.

What, me worry?

Putting your home on the market can be stressful in itself. Worrying that something might rear its ugly head to kill the sale adds a deeper layer of angst to the process. That’s where a pre-listing inspection comes in. It may reveal some issues that need to be addressed. Knowing this in advance can ease your mind.

Time is on your side

If your seller’s inspection reveals the need for major repairs, you will have time to fix them before listing your home. This will help you get full price for your home. In this market, it may even get you better than full price, as buyers try to outbid each other for a well-kept property.

If you wait until the buyer’s inspection to discover major issues, you will have only until closing to get the repairs done. In some markets that can be problematic. A pre-listing inspection gives you all the time you need to schedule repairs. Then you can list the property for sale when your home is at its best.

Reduce haggling with a seller’s inspection.
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Less haggling

Many buyers view the home inspection as leverage for negotiating a home’s price. They’re hoping some issues will be revealed that warrant rethinking the sale price. A seller’s inspection can cut this off before it begins.

Since an inspection was done previously, the buyer’s inspection is unlikely to reveal anything new. If the seller has made the repairs revealed in the pre-listing inspection, there’s little or no room for negotiation, especially in today’s hot sellers’ market. So, any negotiations that do come up are likely to be of minimum consequence.

Putting your best foot forward

Giving your buyer (and their realtor) a copy of a pre-listing inspection report goes a long way toward making them feel good about the potential deal. For most people, a home purchase will be the single largest purchase they ever make. That means it’s wise to make them feel confident about what you are offering.

Help your listing agent. Get a seller’s inspection.

Your realtor will love you

A pre-listing inspection is a great gift for your listing agent. Knowing a home’s condition paves the way for the realtor to price the home more accurately, negotiate with confidence, and attract qualified buyers more readily. 
It’s a wonder that more sellers don’t opt for a pre-listing inspection. Chances are good that if they did, their home sale will be smoother, and they’ll be more likely to fetch top dollar for their property.

Buying or selling a home?

Avoid unpleasant surprises! Contact Asheville Home Inspector Peter Young before signing any contracts. Call (828) 808-4980, or click here to make an appointment.