Preparation makes your home inspection smoother and less scary

Getting ready for a home inspection? Preparation makes the process much easier. You’ve taken the plunge and put your house on the market. Once a buyer puts down a bid, an inspection is sure to follow. It’s about as sure as aging and taxes, as “they” say. Don’t panic!...

Be sure you and your guests are safe to keep the holidays joyous

Stay safe and build lifelong memories this holiday season.Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash Ah, the holidays. Time to unwind and create lifetime memories with family and friends. Holidays are also times when people let their guard down and become prone to...

Common home problems: Can I fix that myself?

Home ownership is a joy, but there are times when nagging problems arise.Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash Can I fix that myself? Ah, the joys of home ownership. Sitting on the deck, sipping sweet tea, watching a solitary hawk circling over the distant hills....

Do you need a home inspection with new construction?

Don’t assume that new construction doesn’t need to be inspected. “Do I need a home inspection on new construction?” This is a question that home inspectors often hear. When considering whether to shell out the expense of hiring an inspector for new...

Funny, strange, and dangerous things that pop up during home inspections

Maybe a child outgrew Thomas the Train, or maybe he just wanted to heat things up. Either way, this is a strange thing to find in a home’s heating vent. Every job has its quirks, but sometimes there’s nothing quirkier than the life of a home inspector. You...

Your Asheville home’s market value can increase with targeted improvements

A beautiful kitchen adds value to your home.Photo by JOSBRA Design on Unsplash Familiarity breeds… obliviousness. You’ve been living in your home long enough that you don’t really see it objectively. Those old Formica countertops in...