Asheville radon testing is a must. The basement pictured here is often the most likely place in the home to encounter radon contamination.

Asheville radon testing is essential. Buncombe County ranks high in the state for potential radon contamination.

Health is wealth, as “they” say. We don’t always know who “they” are, but often we find them wise. It’s like that with testing your home for radon. It affects both health and wealth. First let’s look at health.


What is radon, and how does it affect you?

Radon is a gas formed by the breakdown of uranium and radium in the soil. It can enter your house through openings in floors, crawl spaces, basements, even slabs. Any home can be affected by radon, even new construction.

Why is radon in your home a problem?

Radon gas is the second leading cause of cancer in America. For non-smokers, it’s the number one cause of lung cancer. Leading experts recommend radon testing, including the EPA, the Surgeon General, the American Lung Association, and the North Carolina Radiation Protection Section.

Radon risks vary from county to county in North Carolina. For example, homes in Buncombe County (Asheville) have a higher risk of radon contamination than neighboring Madison County. To further complicate the issue, radon gas is unpredictable. For example, two houses side-by-side, built with the same construction methods can have far different radon levels. So just because your neighbor’s house tested low for radon gas, that doesn’t mean your home will test the same way. Click here to see a map of radon risk by county in North Carolina. 

The only way you can know for sure is to have your home tested for the presence of radon gas. In all cases, the area in a home most at risk is the lowest level occupied; for example, in-law quarters in your basement would be the riskiest part of your home if radon is present.

What about wealth?

Okay, it’s a no-brainer that radon gas can affect your health. However, we mentioned wealth. What’s that about? Here’s the short answer.

When you conduct a radon test prior to buying a home and the test shows high levels, you can ask the seller to pay for or install a radon mitigation system (an investment of $1,500 on average).

If you forgo the radon test and find out later that radon is a problem in your home, you can no longer ask the seller to fix the problem. Or, let’s suppose you don’t do a radon test, and ten years down the road you put your home on the market. The potential buyers have a radon test performed and the test results are high. Your potential buyers will ask you to cover the cost of a radon mitigation system. So not only is money coming out of your pocket, but you’ve been breathing radon-laced air for ten years. The smart thing to do is have the radon test before you buy.

Is Asheville radon testing really necessary?

Pictured: home at sunset with hills and clouds. Asheville radon testing helps protect your investment.

Your home is one of your greatest assets. Protect your investment with with radon testing.

Some claim that homes without basements are not at risk for radon gas. While they pose a lower risk, that doesn’t mean there is no risk. Homes without basements do test lower on average for radon. Walkout or daylight basements also test lower. Air circulation to the outside can be a mitigating factor in radon contamination. However, high radon levels can be found in walkout basements as well.

Conspiracy buffs like to claim that radon is a fake danger invented by the government. Even if there were some truth in this, which there is not, it wouldn’t matter anyway. Even a perceived health problem would still be considered a liability to potential buyers.

What if your home tests for high radon levels?

As mentioned earlier, if the test is being done before buying a home, the cost of a mitigation system can be part of the price negotiations. However, let’s say you’ve been living in the home for some time, you decide to have it tested, and the levels test high. First, don’t panic! Radon levels can be effectively reduced with the installation of a radon mitigation system. It’s cost is well worth the peace of mind knowing you will not be breathing high levels of cancer-causing gas in your home.

Asheville radon testing and mitigation is essential. Call today to book an appointment for radon testing in Asheville and the surrounding area.

Buying or selling a home?

Radon can affect a home’s value. Asheville home inspector Peter Young can explain your options for testing and mitigation. Call Peter Young Home Inspections today.